Acrostichum aurem  Linnaeus
 Acrostichum aureum  Linnaeus 
Acrostichum aureum Linnaeu 

Erect fern, attaining upto 1.5 m high, having samll bushy appearance 
Fibrous typical fern like roots but without any aerial roots 
Rhizome globose, horizontal, caudex, circinate venation, young rachis covered by gregarious hair like structures known as ramenta 
Frond simple, semipinnatifid, upto 1 m long, and 4.0 cm wide, isobilateral, distinct mid-vein and reticulate vein, entire, blunt end, green and yellow on maturity with sorus, glabrous, coriaceous, unicostate reticulate venation. 
Mature leaves or fronds become sporophyllous, diffuse spoprangia at abaxial surface, mixed sporangia on both side of the mid-vein, brown sporangia stalked, upper globose 

Tender fronds/leaves are ediblee as vegetable